The Great Japanese Maple Bonsai Tree Plant

The Japanese Maple Bonsai is the most frequently used maple for the indoor and outdoor bonsai garden. There are several reasons why this is considered the perfect maple for a bonsai garden. The Japanese Maple Bonsai features delicate, ferny type leaves, which change to brilliant orange, gold, and red during the fall. Giving the tree the correct care is important. This type of tree will have to be placed in a semi shady area during the summer, but will need full sunlight during the remainder of the season. It is also vital that it be placed in an area where it will be sheltered from the wind.

The Japanese Maple Bonsai Tree should be pruned during the spring, cutting the unwanted shoots. Pruning is one of the most significant aspects of successfully growing the bonsai tree. It is by pruning, that you will create the illusion of a miniature tree, so keeping up on this will be necessary, but only prune in the spring.

Repotting and fertilizing is also important to successfully growing the Japanese Maple Bonsai. This type of tree should be repotted and fertilized in the winter, as this is when it will go dormant. Only use a type of fertilizer that is recommended for the Japanese Maple Bonsai, or you may end up burning the roots of the tree. Moreover, you will not want to use too much fertilizer as this may also burn the roots of the bonsai. Another important part of caring for the Japanese Maple Bonsai is watering. You should ensure that this type of maple is kept moist, ensuring that the soil never dries out. When the soil dries it could wither the leaves of your tree.

Further care tips for the Japanese Bonsai include keeping it from getting too cold, and keep it out of windy areas. Though this type of bonsai can tolerate winter better than some varieties, it must be grown in an area that is free of heavy wind. For summer, you should not allow your maple to be in full sun, it should be kept in a place that is mostly shady, and out of the heat of summer.

Once you understand the needs of the Japanese Maple Bonsai, you can grow your own. These are not only beautiful trees for your garden, growing the bonsai tree is also a fun hobby.

by Thomas Te


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